“Our watermelon has everything it takes to conquer the French market”.

17 April 2024 | Media, News

This week marks the start of the Anteus Saveur de l’Année watermelon season, which consumers will be able to enjoy until the end of July. An eagerly-awaited watermelon on the German market, and one that’s sure to win over the hearts of the French: “Our Anteus watermelon is unanimously acclaimed. Once end customers have tasted it, they come back for more. It already enjoys a good reputation in Germany, and we’re now looking to introduce it to the French, who are sure not to be disappointed”, reports Patrick Brun, head of Anteus Fruits.

An ambition to grow
This quest for quality prevails over the development of production, despite a clear ambition to grow: “Today, we produce 10,000 tons of watermelons on 300 hectares in Morocco, in the Zagora, Taroudante and Marrakech regions. We’re in a development phase in terms of production and marketing, and have more than enough to supply the French market.

Read the rest of the article on the Freshplaza website